
Links allow a user to perform an action, jump to another page, or scroll to another part of the page. Or they may activate a tooltip, pop over, or modal.


Links that stand on their own as an important action or pivot point come in two font sizes. Links within a block of copy just attribute the size of the surrounding copy and, thus, can vary.


There are two types of links: Hyperlinks and CTA Links.

Hyperlinks sit within a body of text and usually take the user to another destination (another page or same page). They can sit within large header text, or small disclaimer text.

This is a hyperlink

CTA Links stand on their own in a layout. They function like a link, but they never exist within a body of text and they only come in two sizes: 16pt & 14pt font. Typically, they perform an important action, like “Edit,” “Cancel,” “See All,” etc.

CTA Link


Links come in the following states:



Links come in the following sizes: