Radio Buttons

Radios allow the user to select one item at a time from a set. Radios can be used to turn an option on or off.


Radios are most commonly used to give users a way to make a selection from a set of options. Only one option can be selected at a time. Changing your selection removes another selection within a set. It’s not possible to deselect all options in a set. When presenting the user with radio buttons, one should always be selected by default. If this causes a problem, think of a way to disable/enable the radio button list — or look for another pattern to use.


Radios come in the following states:

Disabled - Selected
Disabled - Unselected


Radios come in 2 sizes and fit either desktop or mobile use cases.

Desktop - 24px
large RadionBtn dimensions
Desktop - 16px
small RadionBtn dimensions
Mobile - 24px
large RadionBtn dimensions

Selecting the Best Input

Sometimes deciding which user interface element to use — radio buttons, checkboxes, or toggles — can be difficult. When determining which option will best fit your use case, consider the number and type of options, and if there is any clear default value. The below table summarizes questions and answers about these frequently used UI elements.

ScenarioRadio ButtonsCheckboxesSingle CheckboxToggle
How many options?
How many selections?
0 - all
2 (on/off)
2 (on/off)
Is there a default option?
What kind of choices?
Mutually exclusive
Mutually exclusive
Mutually exclusive
When does the selection take effect?
After submit button
After submit button*
After submit button
* Filters activated by checkboxes may not require a submit button.

When to use radios

Use radios to:

  • Toggle single options within a list (another option has to be selected to toggle one selection off)
  • Want to emphasize and display all of the options
  • Have ~5 or fewer options to display
  • Want the user to be able to compare the options they have
  • Want to enable quick responses (i.e. a series of multiple choice options)

Use drop down menus when:

  • There is a default selection
  • A large number of options are available (~6 or more)


Here are a few examples of how best to use radios.

toggles do example
Due to the size of the list of options (e.g. 4), it is easier for the user to see all of the options at once.
toggles do example
Due to the size of the list of options (e.g. 4), there is no benefit to the user to hide the other 3 options.
toggles do example
Due to the size of the list of options (e.g. 10), there is a benefit to the user to choose an item from a drop down.
toggles do example
Due to the size of the list of options (e.g. 10), it is more difficult for the user to see all of the options at once.
toggles do example
Show one item in the list selected by default as this reduces the users’ cognitive load.
toggles do example
Avoid showing a list of radios without a default option selected as this breaks the pattern users come to expect.
Radios DO example
List radios in a vertical list format as it alleviates possible confusion about which label belongs to which radio button.
Radios DON`T example
Avoid listing radios in a horizontal format as it is challenging for users to tell which label belongs to which radio button.
toggles do example
Show all items in a vertically aligned list with clear, understandable labels.
toggles do example
Avoid nesting radios under each other as this will increase a user’s cognitive load.

Spacing Guidelines

We suggest the following spacing guidelines for desktop and mobile use cases.

Mobile - 24px
example toggle off
Desktop - 24px
example toggle off
Desktop - 16px
example toggle off