How We Write

Our brand voice is human, grounded, and relatable.

We’re positive, honest, and straightforward, with a friendly tone rooted in the promise to make live experiences unforgettable to all of our audiences. Because we know Live Only Happens Once.

Who We’re Talking To

fans image


People seeking unforgettable moments.

partners image


Those helping us power unforgettable moments.

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Peers who work hard to make unforgettable moments possible.

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Industry Peers

Those committed to delivering unforgettable moments.

Bringing Our Voice to Life

Think about how you would talk about what Ticketmaster stands for. You wouldn’t talk to two fans or partners as if they were alike. We respect their time and using a warm, human-first tone helps us assure our audiences walk away with value after every interaction.

Tone Principles

Be Alive

We’re energetic and engaging, not cold or transactional.

Use lively, approachable language and energetic, present verbs that emphasize the moment such as “feel,” “see,” and “be”.
Use slang that is cheeky, like “FOMO,” or anything that could be subject to misinterpretation.

Be Dependable

Our tone is trustworthy, personable, empathetic, and transparent.

“What can we help you with?”
Error. Call Support.

Be a Helpful Guide

Strive to be direct, succinct, informative, and expert, not patronizing know-it-alls or overwhelming.

Come across knowledgeable and relevant.
Overuse technical jargon or internal acronyms that could confuse your audience.

Be Responsive

We are welcoming, inviting, and connected, rather than reactive.

Be proactive in identifying audience needs and reassuring when problem-solving.
Wait for someone to complain when you know something needs fixing.